
Showing posts from May, 2014

the way it is

I don't want her to be gone, but she is. The sadness that overcomes me, a certain kind of melancholy you realise you have run out of parents. that you can visit them both in a cemetery that my life is both emptier and fuller because she is gone I stood outside her bedroom window last night as the melodious harmonies from the Jamaah started "Mow lay ya sa" and for a moment I wished she were there, inside, waiting for me to come in but she wasn't and I was gutted.

Lessons : People

people are just fascinating creatures. I cant remember a time where I didn't try to understand them or anticipate their needs. That has always been something that came very natural to me, to see people to try and walk in their shoes. I cant remember who told me that piece of advice "you don't know what they went through" Being myself, I took that advice almost literally, while not walking in their actual shoes. I did try and do it in my mind. And the most surprising thing is, if you're really open to understanding others. you will see and understand their point of view. While the concept of people watching is something that can keep me busy for hours on end. I fear I sometimes get sucked into their stories. Like a method actor meets matrix meets inception. I don't always know what's real and when I'm being messed with. While I do try to be more suspicious, my nature to believe is a strong one, and I am not sure its a habit I want to change. Whi