Virtue Signalling and the right brand of Islam in the Muslim community
Virtue-signalling, for those who have never felt drawn to the term, is the apparently modern crime of trying to be seen doing the right thing. The implication is that the virtue-signaller does not really believe what they are saying but simply wishes to be admired as a good person. It is most often used against celebs who identify with more fashionable or liberal political causes such as feminism, gay rights, racial diversity or concern about climate change. I have yet to see a popular figure in Social Media in South Africa who have used their religion to (and keep up here) to perpetuate their version of Islam and super judginess on other Muslims. Both locally and abroad. You've heard of a humble brag but have you heard of the humble shame? No? well... This is a new action, and certainly is the weapon of the new modern faithful muslimah hoping to correct another brother/sisters actions, using their version of what's culturally acceptable versus what they...