Virtue Signalling and the right brand of Islam in the Muslim community
I have yet to see a popular figure in Social Media in South
Africa who have used their religion to (and keep up here) to perpetuate their
version of Islam and super judginess on other Muslims. Both locally and abroad.
You've heard of a humble brag but have you heard of the
humble shame? No? well...
This is a new action, and certainly is the weapon of the new modern faithful muslimah hoping to correct another brother/sisters actions, using their version
of what's culturally acceptable versus what they're doing.
Nowhere do we talk about Quaraan and Hadith, I'm talking
about having opinions on matters you have no clue about, opinions based on how
people are dressing, talking, Instagramming or tweeting, <- this list is
fucking exhausting.
First of all, what other people are doing, as previously
posted, have fuck all to do with you. Whether someone covers more or less than
you, sexier or fatter than you.
Like gunning for Siddiqa the Instagrammer and then using her paid for social classes to promote your book event (have receipts )or the latest hype a certain couple and co-wife who dabbled with agnosticism ... in the UK, which has no weight or bearing on the modern South African woman, but fuck me, do we have opinions?
Don't build your social media brand on the backs of others,
whether you're Muslim or not. You don't want that kind of karma. If you can't
be the influential persona online without dabbling in gossip then have a good
God Damn look at your MO and strategy. If you're not a registered life coach,
psychologist or speaker of the faith (This last one doesn't exist) keep your
comments to yourself.
I guarantee you will fuck up as bad as the rest of us
sinners are. you're lucky yours are hidden. May your fuckups never make it onto
social media.
Why waste time even feeding them.