The squeaky wheel gets the attention first.

People I don't like are those with influence who can sweep in social change, and choose instead to cause dissent by creating an "Us and Them"

Malema went to Thembilihle which is a settlement close to Lenz. But Im not sure if I deserved to be surprised when he sticks to the above formula above. Except ofcourse the US - is now residents of the informal settlement  and Them is played by the amaKula ( Derivative term for indian people, basically implying coolie)

While channeling his supposed Che Guevarra vibe while donning a beret. While I do believe local photogrpahers get a kick out of taking the worst photos of the man, I can't help but chuckle and say to them, let his words and actions do that.

Now Julius always operated with this M.O and ofcourse the US and Them changes according to the crowd and situation. Us - the youth of today.Them - the backward thinking leaders
Us black people - Them every one else.

Then he sings Dibhulu Ibunu but to ensure he doesn't offend, he doesn't actually say the word shoot/kill instead makes shooting sounds. Because the assumption that we don't speak vernac, we know the sound a bullet makes. Because in our communities in the south, at one point gun violence was truly out of hand.

Julius is the squeaky wheel, he plays to the crowd, speaks at their level and does so loudly and he has the ear,

Unless our leaders start creating sustainable plans, that can carry on regardless of the councillor/politician of the day. If all you have in mind is your own party's longevity, you are no longer for the people

Today is amaKula tomorrow is amaBoesman. We all will feel it


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