
So once again Muslims around the world seem to be angry, but for once this has nothing to do with the usual issues, but rather directed at Newsweek for another sub-par article written by Ayaan Ali Hirsi - the ex-Muslim all Muslims love to hate, according to her.

Anyhoo, I won't involve myself  in the politics of it. But working in ORM I did track the meme last night. If you don't know what I am talking about, this was the article that got all Muslim turbans in a knot. Not really, but her article mentions Muslims burning with false outrage. [She would know]

When Newsweek tried to get online conversation going with the hashtag #MuslimRage. Muslims hijacked it  to have some fun with it.


Az said…
Some funny sh1t! What can we do other than laugh? Really, that's just about it.
Anonymous said…
Nice article, thanks for the information.
Anna @ rental mobil jakarta

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