Weekends away and self help

I think I put self help in the title Just for Sham.

But what an incredible time. Great friends and so much food. I think everyone is on some sort of detox.

Nothing says you need a break like road rage on your way out of Joburg. Sham was my unfortunate passenger and I thought she might just through herself out of the slow moving vehicle in protest.
But testament to her bad taste and choices she remained in the car, albeit a little afraid.

After what felt like hours on the road, in the only car sans aircon we eventually got there, after C and J took over leading the procession of cars. *Hallelujah* raises hands

The rest of the weekend was so much fun, and laughs and awkward moments and conversations. There was merriment and food. and Mini photo shoots and food. And games and food
You starting to see the pattern right.

Something has to be said about going on holiday with people of similar age and outlook.
Sham said this was a highly intelligent group of people and she wasnt wrong.

Nafisa got kicked in the face by Mukhtar, I got tickled, Sham got creeped out -wait- to be honest. I did show everyone what the creepiest move is and did it to everyone all the time.

Great times, loads of laughs, passing 300 000kms on my car and well just more reasons to smile.

Here's a video of me, using a cow puppet to hump a Ms leg


sham said…
Please say Shukran to Surprise for staying on the mountain and not exploding.
Az said…
Looks like foreplay. Next time, keep it going ;) LOL!
Aasia said…
Azra, thats exactly what it was :)
Sham - Surprise still hasn't been washed or refueled.

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